Figure 1.--Here we see two boys dressed very similarly. The boys are identified as Charles Shumaker and John Henry Hodges. John was called J.H. Both boys wear similar, but not identical Norfolk suits with similar flat caps. Notice how the brims are worn differently. The similarity of the outfits suggest tht the boys were brothers, but as we know their names, this was not the case. They could be cousins being raised together, but we suspect that they were just good friends, probably neighbors wearing what at the time were very popular styles. They also wear the same dark long stockings.

John Henry Hodges and Charles Shumaker (United States, 1920s)

Here we see two boys dressed very similarly. The boys are identified as Charles Shumaker and John Henry Hodges. John was called J.H. Both boys wear similar, but not identical Norfolk suits with similar flat caps. Notice how the brims are worn differently. The similarity of the outfits suggest tht the boys were brothers, but as we know their names, this was not the case. They could be cousins being raised together, but we suspect that they were just good friends, probably neighbors wearing what at the time were very popular styles. They also wear the same dark long stockings. We are not sure about the color. They could be faded black or perhaps brown. One of the boys had a bike. Notice trhe well used waggon at the side. Also notioce the porch, a very popular fixture in small towns and the growing sunburbs. The home suggest a middle-class family living in modest, but confortable circumstances. The snap shot is undated, but looks like the late-1910s or the 1920s. We do not know where in America the snapshot was taken.


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Created: 6:27 AM 10/2/2010
Last edited: 6:27 AM 10/2/2010