Figure 1.--This wonderful Daguerreotype has a note in the case telling us that the boy's name was Clarence E. Summer. (The last name os a little indestint.) The note tells us that the boy was 16 years old. This surprised us because he looks younger. I would have guessed he was only about 13 years pld. Put your cursor on the image to see the note in the protective union case.

Clarence E. Summer (United States, 1840s)

This wonderful cased Daguerreotype has a note in the case telling us that the boy's name was Clarence E. Summer. (The last name os a little indestint.) The note tells us that the boy was 16 years old. This surprised us because he looks younger. I would have guessed he was only about 13 years pld. The dag is somewhat spotted but it is avery cleatr image of a boy in a frock coat suit with wide lapels and and matching vest. The white shirt collar is indestinct, but we can clearly see a black silk stock. His hair is cut long, almost covering his ears. I'm not sure what the term is for this style. The potrit is undated. We might guess the 1840s from the simplicity of th frame, but we are not at all sure about this. There is no indication where he was from in America.


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Created: 5:23 AM 1/2/2009
Last edited: 5:23 AM 1/2/2009