Figure 1.--This is a 1/9th plate cased Daguerreotype portrait of a young school age boy about 12-13 years old. A slip of paper found inside the case identifies the image as, Alex Mitchell Teuford. There is no indication where he lived. The boy wears a small white collar and black bow or stock. He wears a dark collar buttoning jacket. Often these jackets were done with brass buttons with prominately show in the portraits. The button here seem to be cloth covered and the jacket is left unbuttoned, and least the part that shows in the portrait.

Alex Mitchell Teuford (United States, 1850s)

This is a 1/9th plate cased Daguerreotype portrait of a young school age boy about 12-13 years old. A slip of paper found inside the case identifies the image as, Alex Mitchell Teuford. There is no indication where he lived. The boy wears a small white collar and black bow or stock. He wears a dark collar buttoning jacket. Often these jackets were done with brass buttons with prominately show in the portraits. The button here seem to be cloth covered and the jacket is left unbuttoned, and least the part that shows in the portrait. This was an afectation we see in quite a number of the portraits. The dealer believed that the portrait was taken in the 1850s. We can not yet, hoever, differehtiate 1840s and 50s Dags so we are not sure about the date. We know these jackets were popular in the 1850s, but we have less information on the 40s.


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Created: 4:34 AM 3/16/2012
Last edited: 4:34 AM 3/16/2012