The boy in this cabinet card portrait is Herbert Thrift. He seems ti have identified himself on the back of the mount. He is riding a steel-wheeled tricycle, presumably a studio prop. . He is dresses in a Fauntleroy blouse an enormous floppy bow, knee pants, and black long stockings. He also wears a cap, but I'm not sure just what type it was. The photogrpher was Davis and Douglas, 58 South Main St., Fall River, Massachsetts. The portrait, however, was not taken in the studio. The back has writing in pencil Hurbert Thirft, Last ?881, 5 Years Old in Pawtucket". We do not know what 'Last' meant. We at first thought that meant the portrait ws takrn in 1881, but we do not believe this was the case. Neither the mount or the clothes look to date to 1881. We would say the 1890s is more likely.
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