This cabinet card portrait was taken by the Price studio in Dover, New Jersey. The boy is Bryant Tonking. He wears a sailor suit or perhaps better described as a sailor collared suit. You can just see the "V" collar and striped detailing. The suit was no a heave serge material, but looks like a mid-weight flasnnel. We are not sure what the color was. It clearly ws not a navy blue or white--the two most common colors for sailor suits. Perhaps it was grey, a common color for flannel. The light color suggests summer wear. The suit jack buttoned with just one button. The most eye-catching part of his outfit is ther Fauntleroy blouse with a huge rectangular lace collar and floppy bow. The lace collar is repeated at the cuffs and the blouse front also protudes under his buttoned jacket. The light-colored knee psants suit is worn with dark long stockings (probably black) and high-top shoes. The portrait is undated, but the white whicker furnoture and sharply creased knee pants suggest the early 1900s to us.
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