Figure 1.--This cabinet card is a is a difficult one. The very serious looking boy pictured is identified, but the writing is gard to red, something like Georgie Thuman/Truman/Thunian. Or maybe the first letter of the last name is an 'F'. Perhps readers will be able to figure it out. The date is also hard to read, but looks like April 3, 1881. Georgie looks to be about 2-3 years old. He wears a fancy dress made to look like a kilt suit. It has a lace collar and is trikmmed in lace. The skirt is pleated. We do not know what the color was. The studio was J.F. Green in Meriden, Connecticut. Click on the image abnd see if you can read the inscription.

Georgei Thuman/Truman/Thunian (United States, 1881)

This cabinet card is a is a difficult one. The very serious looking boy pictured is identified, but the writing is gard to red, something like Georgie Thuman/Truman/Thunian. Or maybe the first letter of the last name is an 'F'. Perhaps readers will be able to figure it out. The date is also hard to read, but looks like April 3, 1881. Georgie looks to be about 2-3 years old. He wears a fancy dress made to look like a kilt suit. It has a lace collar and is trimmed in lace. Note the lace at the wrist cuffs. That was to become a common feature of many Fauntleroy suits. The skirt is pleated. The lace collar is interesting because this was 4 years before Mrs. Burnett wrote her 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' story. We do not know what the color of the dress was. The studio was J.F. Green in Meriden, Connecticut. The dated cabinet card is useful because it helps date the a destunctive gold border which is useful for undated portraits. Click on the image for more details.


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Created: 5:52 AM 10/14/2011
Last edited: 5:52 AM 10/14/2011