Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows Frank Tuche. He has elaborate ringlet curls. Most boys at the time had short hair. Earlier boys had longer hair, but not long ringlet curls. He is wearing what looks like a checkered jump-suit. Actually it was a two-pice button-on outfit. These suits were very popular for American boys in the 1860s and 70s. The buttons are covered by a fabric waistband. The studio was J. Pitcher Spooner Studio in Stockton, California.

Frank Tuche (United States, about 1870)

This CDV portrait shows Frank Tuche. He has elaborate ringlet curls. Most boys at the time had short hair. Earlier boys had longer hair, but not long ringlet curls. He is wearing what looks like a checkered jump-suit. Actually it was a two-pice button-on outfit. These suits were very popular for American boys in the 1860s and 70s. The buttons are covered by a fabric waistband. The studio was J. Pitcher Spooner Studio in Stockton, California.


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Created: 9:28 PM 6/27/2010
Last edited: 9:28 PM 6/27/2010