*** Stephen S. Uchlein

Stephen Uchlein
Figure 1.-- Clearly Stephen Uchlein is being photographed with a new suit. What is interesting here is the fact all these clothes are clearly way too big for him. That was not uncommon for younger boys, but somewhat less common for older boys like Stephen here. Clearly mother was going to make sure he got some good out of his new suit.

Stephen S. Uchlein (United States, about 1869)

A handwritten inscription on the back of the CDV here says: "Stephen S Uchlein - died Tuesday August 9th 1870 aged 16 yrs 3 mo". In the portrait he looks about 14-15 years old so we would guess that the photograph was taken about 1868-69. I'm not sure what kind of mame Uchlein is, but it seems German. The photographer is E M van Aken of Lowville, New York. Stephen wears a three-piece suit. Notice the small lapels which to have been done in velvet. There is a matching vest. Clearly he is being photographed with a new suit. What is interesting here is the fact all these clothes are clearly way too big for him. That was not uncommon for younger boys, but somewhat less common for older boys like Stephen here. Clearly mother was going to make sure he got some good out of his new suit.


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Created: 11:23 PM 1/30/2006
Last edited: 11:23 PM 1/30/2006