A-line dress
Figure 1.--The boys in this cabinet card portrait are identified as brothers Theodore and Robinson Vaill, although the writing is a little indistinct. The boys look about 5-10 years of age. The younger boy at first glance seems to be wearing a kilt suit, but it is facr a one-piece A-line dress with no waisline. He wears the dress with a large lace collar and an early floppy bow. He has a white shirt, but it is only visible at the wrists. His long stockings are kind of molted. I think that means that they were knitted at home. His curls have been cut before breeching. The older boy wears a double-breasted suit. Although not visible it probably has very high-set lapels. He has what looks like an Eton collar and wears a bow like his little brother, but with shoter tails. His knee pants are long and he wears light-colored long stockings.

Theodore and Robinson Vaill (United States, 1870s)

The boys in this cabinet card portrait are identified as brothers Theodore and Robinson Vaill, although the writing is a little indistinct. The boys look about 5-10 years of age. The younger boy at first glance seems to be wearing a kilt suit, but it is fact a one-piece A-line dress with no waisline. Kilt suits seem more common for a boy this age. He wears the dress with a large lace collar and an early floppy bow. He has a white shirt, but it is only visible at the wrists. His long stockings are kind of molted. I think that means that they were knitted at home. His curls have been cut before breeching. The older boy wears a double-breasted suit. Although not visible it probably has very high-set lapels. He has what looks like an Eton collar and wears a bow like his little brother, but with shoter tails. His knee pants are long and he wears light-colored long stockings. We note white stockings in the 1860s, but light colored long stockings were not very common in the 1870s and 80s. The portrait is undated. We would guess the late-1870s, but the early 80s is possible. The studio is K.T. Sheldon in West Winsted, Connecticut.


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Created: 2:23 AM 1/12/2013
Last edited: 2:23 AM 1/12/2013