Figure 1.--Eugene A. Vickery was a student at the Boston English High School. Eugene belonged to Company "G" English High School BSC1 (First Cadet Corp) . The portrait was taken in 1897. He was an officer in the Cadet Corps. Cadet training was introduced in public schools began during the Civil War (1863). Apparently there was a concern that Southern boys would somehow come north and make trouble. There was a desire to have a group of northern boys trained and ready to deal with them.

Eugene A. Vickery (United States, 1897)

Eugene A. Vickery was a student at the Boston English High School. It is the oldest public high school in the United States. We are not sure why it was named the English High School, probably because it set up with English standards. Many Americans would have been attracted by high standards, even ghough Boston had been a hot-bed of sedetion in thE Revolutionary War. The School was founded in Jamaica Plain (1821). It now a truly unique, urban school serving a diverse population of over 1,200 students, including children from several foreign countries. The School admitted its first female students (1972). Eugene here belonged to Company "G" English High School BSC1 (First Cadet Corp) . The portrait was taken in 1897. He was an officer in the Cadet Corps. Cadet training was introduced in public schools began during the Civil War (1863). Apparently there was a concern that Southern boys would somehow come north and make trouble. There was a desire to have a group of northern boys trained and ready to deal with them.


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Created: 3:17 AM 11/8/2009
Last edited: 3:17 AM 11/8/2009