Figure 1.--This portrait is of Martin Allister Wambold. He was born on December 2, 1880. The portrait was taken in 1886 so Martin seems to have been 5 years old. Martin wears a boy’s dress with what looks like a lace collar and large colored floppy bow. We do not know what color the dress was.

Martin Allister Wambold (United States, 1886)

This portrait is of Martin Allister Wambold. He was born on December 2, 1880. The portrait was taken in 1886 so Martin seems to have been 5 years old. Unfgortunately we know nothing about his family. Martin wears a boy’s dress with what looks like a lace collar and large colored floppy bow. The bow seems a different color than the dress. The dress looks rather like a suit, in particular a kilt suit, but it does seem to be a dress. We do not know what color the dress was. We suspect it was a muted shade, with thfloppy bow adding a bit of color to his outfit. We do not know what kind of headwear he would have worn. In this case the hat or cap is not placed near by. He also wears long stockings and shiny high button shoes. He has long ringlet curls and is holding a book. The ringlets are quite long, falling over his sholders. The front of his hair style seem to be bangs. The portrait was taken by Draper. We do not know, however, in what city. We know the studio was at 1313 and 1315 Columbia Avenue.


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Created: 10:10 PM 1/8/2007
Last edited: 10:10 PM 1/8/2007