*** Harry White

Fauntleroy collar
Figure 1.--This cabinet card is a portrait of Harry White. The back of the card indicated he was from Inwood, Iowa, but that was not where the portrait was taken. He looks to be about 9 years old. Harry wears a basic double-brested knee pants suit with dark long stockings. Mother has added a large, decorative ruffled collar. At the time, mothers liked to add Fauntleroy styling items to basic garments. It looks like a pin-on collar rather than a Fauntleroy blouse. Mother has not added a floppy bow, a style that was very popular at the time.

Harry White (United States, about 1900)

This cabinet card is a portrait of Harry White. The back of the card indicated he was from Inwood, Iowa, but that was not where the portrait was taken. Of course, northwesten Iowa borders on southeastern South Dakota, so this is not as strange at it at first seems. He looks to be about 9 years old. Harry wears a basic double-brested knee pants suit with dark long stockings. Mother has added a large, decorative ruffled collar. At the time, mothers liked to add Fauntleroy styling items to basic garments. It looks like a pin-on collar rather than a Fauntleroy blouse. Mother has not added a floppy bow, a style thast was very popular at the time. This and other aspects of the portrait leads us to believe that the very early-1900s is more likely than the late-1890s. The portrait is undated, but would have been taken about 1900. We see elements in the portrait that looks like the late-1890s and others that look like the early-1900s. The studio was the A.J. Segrud Studio in Canton, South Dakota.


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Created: 9:57 AM 4/17/2017
Last edited: 9:57 AM 4/17/2017