There are charities that HBC readers may find interesting. These include groups aiding children around the world. These include charities of various kinds sevicing children. There are also schools that could use assistance. HBC is visited by schools all ovr the world working on a range of historical projects. Some of those schools have contacted HBC requesting assistance. HBC readers, either individuals or school groupss, who might be
interested in assisting these schools may want to look at these various requests. In many cases a very modest contribution could make an important difference. HBC is not in a positon to throughly evaluate these request, but we will only post those requests that appear legitimate and relate to efforts to benefit children. We will list small schools and groups without the ability to conduct major drives.
The concept of charity began to appear has been present in some form throughout human history, yet the modern concept of humanitarian aid only truly emerged in the 20th century. this involved a complex progression of world events beginning with World War I and the war crimes launched by the Central Powers. It was in the 20th century that we begin to see major international efforts, essentially founding international humanitarianism and the United States was at the heart of this effort. There is no precise accounting, but America saved tens of millions lives. The total could have easily approached 100 million lives saved. America's status as a neutral until 1917 was a factor in ability to play a role in humanitarian efforts. There were four major efforts that came out of the tragedy of World War I: 1) Belgian famine relief, 2) Near East Relief, 3) European famine relief, and 4) the Jewish Joint. These efforts were necessary because of brutal German and Ottoman policies. The German policies were brutal, but nothing like the unimaginable NAZI atrocities of World War. The Ottoman Empire launched the Armenian Genocide. The Young Turks who founded the modern Turkish state. Other countries were involved, but the United States was the major country in all four of these efforts. The United States did much of its relief efforts through the Red Cross, because of the agency's extensive intentional contacts.
Many of the most important charities are internation efforts. This is in keeping with the fact that the people that needed to helped are in different countries than the countries capable of providing the assistance. That means international efforts are essential. This has meant international organizations as well as national efforts with an international focus. Many of these charities have taken on the character of inntermntional organizations. Notably much of this focus has come from the West (Europe and America) even though we now have rich countries in other regions. World Wwar I and World War II meant that a huge humanirarian effort was needed in Europe. After World War II that effort became increasingly focused on the Third World, especially when he nw countries appearing as aesult of the de-colonization process did mot achieve the rapid devlopment and economic success that they anticipated wiyth the disolution of empires.
CARE began with shipments of food to war- torn Europe to prevent starvation and hunger. Seeing the privation througout Europe, 22 American charities (civic, religious, cooperative and labor organizations) founded the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE). They began to deliver millions of CARE packages all over Europe. These small packages with food and other relief supplies helped families survive midst vast food shortages. They had a huge impact on the lives of the recipients. CARE packages even helped people in former enemies, Germany and Japan. CARE did not cease to operate as Europe began to recover. Over the next three decades, CARE shifted its focus from helping Europeans to delivering assistance in the developing world. A major effort was made to help Koreans after the Communists invaded South Korea. As the developing world becme CARE's focus, the effort changes from just relief supplies and food distribution to a broad range of programs, including education, natural resources management, nutrition, water and sanitation, and healthcare in Africa, Asia and Latin America. CARE also began an effort to assist people hit affected by major emergencies, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, famines, and other disasters. A major focus of CARE today is poverty. CARE was founded in 1945 when abjectly neeed people were the result of a lack of basic goods, services, and healthcare bcause of World War II. As Europe recovered, CARE noted the great beeds of people in the Third world. CARE officials began to junderstand that poverty and want is often caused by the denial of rights, opportunities and assets. The cause varies, but is a mixture of social exclusion, marginalization, and discrimination. CARE shifted to what we call a �rights based approach� to development (early-1990s). Although Europe remained part of the groups name for decades, it even by the late-1950s was not the focus of operation. (Actually the acronmy was so widelu used tht few prople knew that the 'E' meant Europe. The organizers finally decided to change the meaning of its acronym to 'Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere' (1993). CARE recently began a new effort to focusing on women�s empowerment (2007). This came from understanding from more than six decades of experience that women are the key to lifting entire families out of poverty.
The Center for Courageous Kids� is a world-class medical camp designed specifically for the child living with medical challenges who could not attend a traditional camp. We are a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation dedicated to uplifting children living with chronic or life-threatening illnesses.
Designed for the child with medical challenges and his/her family members, they attend this magnificent facility at no cost to them. We run year round, hosting 2 types of programs from family weekends to full weeks of summer camp. Located in Scottsville, KY we welcome children from ALL across the region (KY, TN, IN, OH and beyond)! In our inaugural year alone, children from 17 different states attended and financial support was received from 36 states across the nation. WOW!
The first mon-religious international organization was the Red Cross (1864). The Red Cross was created to alleviate human suffering and to promote public health. J.H. Dunnat in Switzerland played a key role in the founding of the Red Cross. The Red Cross was founded in Switzerland because of its neutral status. The symbol of the Red Cross became appropriately a red cross, the reverse of the Swiss flag. Self-governing Red Cross societies were formed in member countries. Clara Barton helped found the American Red Cross (1881). The governing body of the Red Cross is the International Committee for the Red Cross. From the very begnning the Red Cross asked individual countries to organize national chapters. The Red Cross for the most part is supported by volunary contributions. This was complicated by the appearance of Communiust countries where the state and Party controlled economoc activity as well as varying attitiudes toward charity in different countries. The Red Cross is the premier charitable organization to deal with natural disasters and the impact of war on civilans and soldiers. The Red Cross provided invaluable servives during World sar I and World War II in Europe. In the Pacific, the Japanese refused to cooperate. The Japanese chapter was founded (1887) and Japan even hosted the 15th International Conference of the Red Cross (1934). But the Japanese militaty ordered its soldiers not to surrender and treated Allied POWs horribly. The Red Cross has played critical roles in numeous natural disasters. Its ability is limited, however, in developing countries without infrastructure. Here the Red Cross have to rely on member countries able to rapidly deploy disaster assistance which largely meand the United States. There have been some serious problems with the Red Cross. The German chapter was taking over by the NAZIs and thus tagently involved in the Holocaust. The International Committee has in recent years been politicized especally by Muslim countries.
Save the Children was founded in the aftermath of World War I by British humanitarian Eglantyne Jebb as the Save the Children Fund (1919). It has become an international non-governmental organization. Save the Children began by providing relief supplies to starving people especially children in the aftermath of World war I, but has expanded to promoting children's rights and helps support children in developing countries. The group seeks to improve the lives of children bu promoting better education, health care, and economic opportunities in addition providing on going efforts in failed countries as well as emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts. The rgnization wa fojnded in Britin, but now includes some 30 Save the Children chapters as part of the international Save the Children Alliance which operares in over 120 countries around the world. Save the Children is committed to the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child which continues the Legcy of the League of Nations. Save the Children has general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
HBC has received this request from a chool in Kenya, "I am writing to you for assistance to my School with many Orphans of Aids/HIV related effects . The School is called Kasubi College School -Kyanja . It is found in Mukono District of Uganda Africa . The Aids
Epidemic is at its bream here in Uganda for over two decades now. I founded this School with a motive of helping the rural peasants who could not afford Secondary School fees in these remote areas where
majority of the residents depend on their small gardens for a living . The influx was also accelerated by the new system of the Government to offer free Education in Primary School but there were no Secondary School to cope up with the number. Many are still in the villages not schooling thogh some have the parents but can not afford our low school fees structure. So my request is for assistance of any kind to help
mostly the Orphans and if at all you have any link to someone that can be of help (foster parents). James Senoga, Diretor and Founder, Kasubi College
HBC received this e-Mail from a school in Lithuania: "The e-mail I am sending you, comes straight away from the far-off country titled Lithuania. It is my supreme honour to introduce myself as Tomas Samoska, English teacher working at the basic school of Laibgaliai, located in the very outskirts of Rokiskis town, Lithuania. Since its recent emanicipation, Lithuania has been facing too many economical hurdles that inevitably injure teaching progress as well. Thus there are lots of kids ranging 9-14 years of age who can barely afford proper clothing. That`s why, referring to such a fact that I`m the only person at the school of ours to speak English satisfactorily, I`ve been enabled by the principal of our basic school Vanda Giriuniene to search for certain charitable organizations that might possibly supply our poorly dressed children with ANY available second hand clothing or footwear. Children are also in shortage of such elementary teaching means as rulers, calculators, computers, writing measures, etc."
Best regards, Tomas Samoska, English teacher. A reader writes, "On your site we found the request of the teacher Tomas Samoska from a Lithuanian school. He is indeed very seriously trying to help his pupils and also contacted the Colour4kids Foundation (Dutch organisation).
I am happy to inform you that Colour4kids made great efforts to help this school and last Christmas, their team went there with two busloads full of clothes, goods and Christmas presents for every schild. Wishing all the best for 2005." Marcel Verhaag
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