Ancient Greece: Hair Styles

Figure 1.--This is one of the most famous survivng Greek sculptures--"Boy Extracting Thorn". There are other names: "Boy with Thorn," "Fidele" (faithful), "Fedelino", or "Spinario". The ancient sculptor is unknown. The original dates back to the Hellenistic Period (5th-4th century BC). This is a Roman copy of the original, dating to the 1st century BC. The boy is believed to subject matter is believed to be a Greek messenger boy. The Romans called him Marcius, who, despite having a prickle in his foot, endured the pain to complete his task and deliver his message. This copy was discovered about 1165. It became one of the first to be copied during the Renaissance Period in both bronze and marble. While it does not tell us much about Greek clothing, it does show a boy's hair style.

Greeks like other ancient peoples gave considerable attention to their hair. They curled their hair and arranged it in intricate styles. Prfumed waxes and lotions were used to style hair. Greek men wore short hair. Beards were common, although soldiers usually shaved so as not to give enemies something that couldbe grabbd. The barber shop was an important social institution in Greece. It was at the barber shop that Greek men discussed popuar topics. Some were the same as discussed today, such as politics, news, and sports. Philosophy was also widely discused. I am not sure how boys wore their hair. The boy here is shown with long hair over his ears (figure 1). Note that a head band is not depicted. Greek women wore their hair long. Often the long hair was braided which were both coiled on the head or wore in ponytails. Greek women commonly or ribbon or metal hairbands. Greeks mostly had dark hair. Blond hair was considerd attractive. Some women bleached their hair. I'm not sure how girls wore their hair.


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Created: 10:08 PM 5/25/2008
Last updated: 10:08 PM 5/25/2008