Islamic and Liberal Western Thought

Figure 1.--

Liberal thought in the west has in the 20th century trended toward cultural relativity. This is the idea that culture is neutral and that there may be different social values in various societies and that we should respect the values ad institutions in other soicieties. And that assessing a foreign society on your own parochial values is a flawed outlook. This combined with the attitude toward religious toleraion in the West has left many Westerners unwilling to criticise Islam. There is no doubt that there are strengths and weaknesses in all societies. And there is no doubt that there is much of value in both the Koran and Islam. It is also true that some Islamicts have adopted a radical view of Islam and use their religion to justify evil acts. In many instances Islamicis are esentially cloaking Fascism in the guise of religion and attemptng in an effort to avoid the aproprium visited on Fascism. While there is value in cultural relativity as a check on xenephobia. It is also true that there are certain enduring human values. These values are embraced in the world's great religions and most powerfully expressed in the United Nations Declaratioin of Human Rights. Important elements of the U.N. Declaration are opposed by Islamicits. Our contention is that these basic rights should be supported even when challenged by religious figures holding the Koran or other religious books.

Cultural Relativity

Liberal thought in the west has in the 20th century trended toward cultural relativity. This is the idea that culture is neutral and that there may be different social values in various societies and that we cshould respect the values ad institutions in other soicieties. And that assessing a foreign society on your own parochial values is a flawed outlook.

Religious Toleration

A HBC reader writes, "I have been wondering how I should write this email in relation to the readers comments on the following page about faith and reason. I know I was christened in the Church Of England and still practise my faith. One of the greatest things I have learnt from my involvement in church is...Tolerance and a love of my fellow man. I have learnt to listen to other people and to look at their point of view on many subjects including their comments on my particular denomination. All this learnt from the teachings within the bible. If someone was to say something about the bible, particularly my faith, I would not be as aggressive as the writer who says you are far from the truth on the latest pages you have introduced to the web site 'Islam: Faith and Reason' From what I have heard about the quran from it's followers is, it also teaches people tolerance and a willing to get on with your fellow man. This is not obvious in the readers attack on your contribution. If you were to write something about my denomination and I found it was not within my personal beliefs of what I have been taught, I would email you and give you my point of view. All of this would be done without any indignation and upset on my part. Perhaps the reader should take a look at his attack on you and give his views without any unnecessary aggravation. After all, this is what I have been lead to believe the Quran is trying to teach their followers."

Hesitation to Criticize Isam

The acceptance of cultural relativity and religius toleration in the West has left many Westerners unwilling to criticise Islam. There is no doubt that there are strengths and weaknesses in all societies. And there is no doubt that there is much of value in both the Koran and Islam. It is also true that some Islamicts have adopted a radical view of Islam and use their religuion to justify evil acts. In many instances Islamicis are esentially cloaking Fascism in the guise of religion and attemoptng in an effort to avoid the aproprium visited on Fascism. The problem, however, is not just Islamic fanatics. In addition there are teachings in the Koran which violate accepted principles of toleration in the West.

Enduring Moral Values

While there is value in cultural relativity as a check on xenephobia. It is also true that there are certain enduring human values. These values are embraced in the world's great religions and most powerfully expressed in the United Nations Deckaratioin of Human Rights.

U.N. Declaration of Human Rights and Islam

Important elements of the U.N. Declaration are opposed by Islamicits. Our contention is that these basic rights should be supported even when challenged by religious figures holding the Koran or other religious books. There are provisions of the Koran which descriminate against women, non-Muslims, and homosexuals. And there is justification of very severe judicial punishments as well as an acceptance of slavery in the Koran. Some of the same beliefs can be found in the Old Testament, but few Christians want to use the Old Testament as a basis for a national legal code. A very strong current in the Muslim world is to abolish secular law and introduce Sharia Law based on the Holy Koran.


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Created: 4:27 AM 4/12/2007
Last updated: 4:27 AM 4/12/2007