Native American Civilizations: Amazonian Tribes--The Zuruahá

Figure 1.--The Zuruahá people are another Brazilian Amazonian rainforest tribe. The Zuruaha tribe are remanents of the Amazonian people the Portuguese enconterted (early-16th century). The tribe is very small, only about 100 people. The boy in a hammock, an aspect of Amazonian culture..

The Zuruahá people are another Brazilian Amazonian rainforest tribe. The Zuruaha tribe are remanents of the Amazonian people the Portuguese enconterted (early-16th century). The Portugese began slave raids in which native Americans were killed, including tribal leders. Many others perished from exposure to European diseases. The Amazonian peoples retreated into the interior where they were safe from slavers. This also meant substantial cultural change from agriculture to small hunter gatherer groups. Casual contacts occured with rubbertappers (early-20th century. Brazilian authorities encountered the tribe in the pricess of constructing the Transamazonia Highway (1978). The Government relocated them to a small reserve. Some have committed suicide with the poison they make for their hunting arrows. They speak an Arauan language. This seems to be associated with their cosmological system and territorial pressures. They have a standard animistic religion seeing forces within nature. For most of the year, the Zuruahã live as a group in one of the large conical houses built in the center of their reseerve. Social life largely occurs within this shared dwelling . There is a complex network of kinship relations, personal friendships and multiple forms of group relations.


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Created: 6:52 AM 3/2/20111
Last updated: 6:52 AM 3/2/2011