American Universities: False Narratives

Figure 1.--

We did a web search in an effort to understand why American are so strongly liberal. The major idea we see offered in the strongly liberal postings on this question was "Facts have a liberal bias. Smart successful people tend to see the truth better than people who are uneducated, or who lack critical thinking.” Many liberals including liberal professoers are so ideologally centered that they have concluded that conservatives are either not very smart or well educated or they are uncaring and focused on money to the exclusion of all else. Actually when there is an open and fair debate, the facts actually lead to a conservative positions on many important issues. This is especially the case on core liberal issues including economics and race. Here we want to mention some facts that liberals, especially liberal professors either do not understand or do not want to acknowledge because they fly against core values they hold so dear.


University professors have becoming increasingly hostile to capitalism in recent years. This marks a shift from liberalism to socialism. Economic systems are human creatioins and thus have stegths and weaknesses, University professors have stronly focussed on the problems with capitalism and basically ignored the weakneses of socialism. This has becoming increasing blatent in recent tears, essentially academic incompetence and virging on simple dishonesty.

Human welfare

The best example of this is the fact that the greatest economic event in all of human history, has occurred in the past generation. In only on sinle generation, countries shifting from socialist economic policies by adopting markt reforms have succeeded in thrusting ONE BILLION people from abject poverty to the prosperois middle class. And all in one single geneation. This has occured in the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, South Kirea, Singapore, and Taiwan), Commnunist China, India, and othrr countries. Never before in all of history have the economic conditions of so many people been so poerully improved in so short a period of time. Yet academia which has reported on a vast numbr of economic issues beginning with the dawn of civiization, is absolutely mute on what we see unfolding before our eyes. The reason for this stunning lapse is simple--the agent that responsible for this advace in human well bing is capitalism. And hat is not a narrative that left wing professors are interested in reorting.

The Great Depression

Liberal profesors propagate the myth that greedy businessmen and bankers caused the Great Depression. Actually it was goverment that turned a normal economic downturn into a disasterous world-wide dredression. Another myth is that President Roosevelt's New Deal ended the Deporession. It did no such thing. In fact, at the end of the New Deal, the Roosevelt Recession (1937-38) resulted in a signicant increase in unemployment.

Industrial Revolution

Open a school textbook and you will find Dicksonial images meant to convey the idea that the Industraial Revolution caused terrible misery and suffering. Often the first mention of childlabor occurs withthdscussion of the Industrial Revloution. It is as if people were living a idelic rural life before the Industrial Revolutiom. This was not the case In England where the Industrail Re\volutin first occurred. There were all kinds of problems in the countryside. As a result of the Industrail Revolution we see ordinary working people for the first time living comfortable lives. This is because machinery and energy increased productivity. Only by increasing producitity can people improve their material condition.

Race Relations

Perhaps the greatest achievemnt of liberaliosm in America has been the Civil Rights movement. Surely America's greates histrical failing has been race relations beginning with slavery in the earliest era of the colonial period. Slavery was gradually ended in the North through legal processes. This was not possible in the South. It took the Civil War (1861-65) to finally end slavery. But even after slavery was ended, a system of legal racial segregation deined African Americans in the South a wide range of rights including voting rights. In the North there were also limits on access to education, housing, jobs, and other aspects of a decentlife, but no legal restraints. This was largely swept away by the Civil Rights movement (1950s-60s). Liberals are quick to point out their successes. They are not, however. to admit to their failure. The African-American Comminity today is afflicted by high levels of unwed motherhood, crime and violence, educatinal failure, and drug usage. This did not use to be the case. These high incvidence of negative behaviors did not use to be the case. And liberals instead of recognize the problems, either deny the problems exist or accuse any one who dares brings them up of being a racist.


We here liberal college professors claim that America is at fault for the waves of illegal alienes now attemting to cross the southern border. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. Liberal professors seem to have an idea that America's succeess has only come from exploiting Latin America and other developing countries. Again nothng could be further from the truth. The failure of Latin American countries are deeply rooted in the Spanish and Poruguese colonial system which was in planted befpre the Unitd States eve existed. We see the charges usually leveled against our role in Central America. The problem with this argument, is we see the same problems that have impaored develoment in Central America in South America in countries with which the United States until the 20th century has had only limited relations. In addition to the Spanish colonial heritage, in the addition Marxism has been highly influntial. This was seen as the wave of the fure in the 20th century. We now know beause of the Asian Tigers, China, and other countries that Socialism destroys wealth. It is capitalism that creates wealth. The failure resulting from the Spanish colonial expeience amd Marxism is what is driving Central Amnericans and thr Gispanics nort to the United States.


Former Vice President Joseoh Biden recently blamed English commomn law for the mistraetment of women and as common on America campsses added a race kicker. "In the 1900s, so many women were dying at the hands of their husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle, or the sheep, that the court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths. You know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English Jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture. It's got to change. It's got to change." Again this simplely is not the case. One of the stregths of America is English common law. America and Britain have been leaders in ot only rights for women but cviil liberties for citizens. The America Bill of Rights strobly rooted in English as a revolutinary documnt (18th centry) and continues be so today.


There are countless examples examples of university professors contorting history to promote a left-wing hate Ameican narrative. Here we will use the exaple of the Mexican American War (1846-48). We choose this war because it is usually brought up by left wing professors as a prime example of American imperialism. There are a number of aspects of the War that liberal professrs rarely metion. First, the roots of the war lay in the Texas War for Independence (1836). And this was a result of of the fact that few Mexcans lived in the north (modern An\merican Southwest). The MNexican Government encouraged An\mericans tio settlke Texas because so few Mexicans lived n the north. And the Texas War for independence was not the mighty United States taking advantage of a small defenseless people. Rater it was the Meican with a large, well-armed army. And it was the Texas who were a small rag-tag, poorly armned force. Second, by the Time of the Mexican-American War there were still very few Mexivans living in the north. Third, the population of the Mexican north was primarily compsed of Native Americvans. The Mexican-merican War is best seen as a struggle between two colonial powers (America and Mexico) to control Native American lands. Fourth, America was not yet a great industrial behemoth. Fifth, America did not have a large standing army. Sixth, the impact of the War is commonly poorly accessed. We note one professor claiming that history would ve very different if Mexico held Texas. The idea being that Califirnia would develop its modern state nomatter who possessed it.


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Created: 2:37 AM 4/8/2019
Last updated: 2:38 AM 4/8/2019