Australian Christianity: Denomination -- Liberal Catholic Church

Figure 1.-- A reader tells us, "The photo here was taken in th 1910s in an Australian Liberal Catholic Church. These churches have no relation with modern Roman Catholic Church but some with the historic Catholic Church. There are connections with Theosophy and Freemasonry."

We notice the Liberal Catholic Church (LLC) in Australia. Despit the name, they are not associated with the Catholic Church. A reader tells us, "The photo here was taken in th 1910s in an Australian Liberal Catholic Church. These churches have no relation with modern Roman Catholic Church but some with the historic Catholic Church. There are connections with Theosophy and Freemasonry." The LLC seems to us calls itself Catholic because it has retained Catholic ritual, but permitted a wide range of theological views. This is why the term Liberal was added to the name of the Church. The term liveral use to mean tolerant of the views of other. Liberat today bmans ethnic diversity but a more doctraire ideological view. The LCC members are allowed to make their own theological judgements and we see both Catholic and Protestant ideas. As a result, it is not possible to classify the church as eithr Catholkic or Protestant. A LCC posting tell us, "The Liberal Catholic Church exists inside the wider Catholic tradition of sacraments and ceremony while encouraging complete freedom in the interpretation, understanding and inner truth of the Gospel writings and liturgical wording. The Liberal Catholic Church supports all spiritual pilgrims who seek the truth, the inner knowing, the gnosis of a universal awareness of human interconnectedness." The mother Liberal Cathoic Church is located in France.


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Crerated: 9:52 PM 12/25/2018
Last updated: 9:52 PM 12/25/2018