Australian Christianity: Weddings

Figure 1.--This wedding photo was taken in 1923 in Minden area of Queensland. It was the occassion for a large family gathering. We are not sure what denomination the family was.

Weddings in Australia at first simmoly followed British traditions, but down under. Many Christian wedding traditions around the world are heavily influenced by British Victorian traditions. Chritian readitions Weddings are both family and individual occassions and traditions are affected by cultural change and over time Australians began to develop their own wedding traditions. A factor here was the gradual diversity which developed in Australia. More informal weddings began to become popularm esoecually after World war II. The Irish brought Catholcism into the growing range of wedding traditions. Many trditions such as the wedding cake and the white wedding persist. The white wedding as a symbolm of purity continues, although moral standards have shifted considerably. The wedding portrait and family Bible given to the new couple are also popular features. Weddings were the occassions for large family gatterings. This has changed with smaller, more mobil families. This is of course reflected in the photographic record. And with the 1960s came immigration reform which forthe first time callowed non-Europeans to enter the country. And with them came many more new wedding traditions.


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Crerated: 8:03 PM 3/7/2011
Last updated: 8:03 PM 3/7/2011