James Family (Australia, 1928)

Figure 1.--This photograph shows Gwilym Evans and Eleanor James with their family in Albany, Western Australia. Gwilym was born in 1884 in Aberdare, Glamorgan, Wales. He married Eleanor James in 1906. They had six children, including five sons (1911, 1913, 1916, 1918, and 1923) and a daughter (1925). They emigrated to Australia (1927). The photo was probanly taken about an year after they arrived in Australia, probably about 1928. We are not sure what occupation the father pursued in Australia or nything more about the children.

This photograph shows Gwilym Evans and Eleanor James with their family in Albany, Western Australia. Gwilym was born in 1884 in Aberdare, Glamorgan, Wales. He married Eleanor James in 1906. They had six children, including five sons (1911, 1913, 1916, 1918, and 1923) and a daughter (1925). They emigrated to Australia (1927). We do not knowwhy James emigrated, but suspect it was because of limited e\conomic opportunity in Wales. Perhaps he was a coal mimer and the mine closed. Economic opportiunity was the principal reasonm emigrants went to Australia. America had adopted very stringent immigration quota, but Ausralia was anxious to attract European immigrants. The photo here was probanly taken about an year after they arrived in Australia, probably about 1928. We are not sure what occupation the father pursued in Australia or anything more about the children.


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Crerated: 11:54 PM 8/13/2009
Last updated: 11:55 PM 8/13/2009