*** Australian boys clothes: garments -- tunics ages

Australian Boys' Garments: Tunic Suits--Ages Chronolgy

Australian boys tunics

Figure 1.--Austraklian CDV shows two unidentified brothers in Liverrpool during the 1860s. They look to be about 7-9 years old. The dealer suggested it was taken in 1868, although we see no indication on the potrait. They wear mid-length tunics with long knee pants. The studio was W.A. Nicholas, Liverpool, New South Wales.

The age of boys wearing tunics varied over time. Tunics were worn by European boys throughout the 19th century. Yhey were worn by school-age boys. We know very little sbout the early-19th century in Australia. A painting shows the O'Mullane boys wearing tunics in 1852. The boys look to be about 8-11 years old. By the 1860s we begin to see photographic portraits. A good example is a CDV portrait of two unidentified brothers in Liverrpool during the 1860s. They look to be about 7-9 years old. The dealer suggested it was taken in 1868, although we see no indication on the potrit. They wear mid-length tunics with long knee pants. After the turn-of the 20th century we see mostly youngr boys wearing tunics. The boy on the previous page we think about 1910 looks to be about 5 years old (figure 1).


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Crerated: 5:43 AM 6/20/2023
Last updated: 5:43 AM 6/20/2023