Canadian boys like boys in other countries studied music. Here we have few details, but suspect that the experience was similar to that in the United States. Music in the 19th century for children was primarily a home experience. Mothers liked their children to take up musicl instruments, this is especially true as the country became increasingly prosperous by the late-19th century. European immigration in the late-19th century may have been another factor. We are not sure if there were differences among the English and French communities. Mothers were often more successful with daughters than sons. Home music making change at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the phonograph. Later in the 20th century after World war I (1914-18) came commercial radio. Of course many mothers still encouraged their children to take up music, but the home music envirmonent changed significantly. I'm not sure about music instruction in the schools. Here we see an idealized home music scene from a French Canadian magazine in 1899 (figure 1). On the previous page we note the photograph of a Canadian boy practicing the piano, probably in the 1950s. It could have easily been taken in America. Note the Winter cap his little brother is wearing. this was also a popular style in America. We do not know much about Canadians who made important contributions to the music world. One example is music prodigy Glen Gould.
Canadian boys like boys in other countries studied music. Here we have few details, but suspect that the experience was similar to that in the United States. Music in the 19th century for children was primarily a home experience. Mothers liked their children to take up musicl instruments, this is especially true as the country became increasingly prosperous by the late-19th century. European immigration in the late-19th century may have been another factor. On the previous page we note the photograph of a Canadian boy practicing the piano, probably in the 1950s. It could have easily been taken in America. Note the Winter cap his little brother is wearing. this was also a popular style in America.
We are not sure if there were differences among the English and French communities. Here we see an idealized home music scene from a French Canadian magazine in 1899 (figure 1).
Mothers were often more successful with daughters than sons.
Home music making change at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the phonograph. Later in the 20th century after World war I (1914-18) came commercial radio. Of course many mothers still encouraged their children to take up music, but the home music envirmonent changed significantly.
We have no information avout music instruction in Canadian schools.
We do not know much about Canadians who made important contributions to the music world. One example is music prodigy Glen Gould.
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Created: 1:47 AM 6/25/2005
Last updated: 8:52 PM 9/22/2010