Canadian Families: Ontario Family Outing (1955)

Figure 1.--We see an Ontario family during the summer in 1955. The square snapshot has a jagged edge and had the date as was common for the time. I rember the same type of print in America. The family is on a family outing in their car. We are not sure who everyone is, but there is clearly a mother and father. Everyone is dressed informally. The family group includes a boy, three women, and a men. The man is smoking and they are standing with their car. The car is very plain, unusul in 1955. The location is Point Pelee Ontario. Notice two women dressed in pants, both shorts and capri pants, showing a major change in women's clothing. Here World War II had a major inpact. The boy look to be about 10-years old. He wars a striped T-shirt and short pants. The look like khaki shorts, a popular color for boys' pants.

We see an Ontario family during the summer in July 1955. The square snapshot has a jagged edge and had the date as was common for the time. I rember the same type of print in America. The family is on a family outing in their car. We are not sure who everyone is, but there is clearly a mother and father. Everyone is dressed informally. The family group includes a boy, three women, and a men. The man is smoking and they are standing with their car. The car is very plain, unusul in 1955. The location is Point Pelee Ontario. Notice two women dressed in pants, both shorts and capri pants, showing a major change in women's clothing. Here World War II had a major inpact. The boy look to be about 10-years old. He wars a striped T-shirt and short pants. The look like khaki shorts, a popular color for boys' pants. We thought that they might be elasticized waist boxer shorts, a popular summer style for boys at the time. Notice how the boy's T-shirt is tucked into the shorts. A reader thinks they mught be seld-belted shorts and on closer examinatioin while the image is rather indistinct, we think he is correct. Our reader writes, "I took a close look at the shorts and I am pretty certain they have a self belt in front, probably with an elastic back. You can see the belt loops and what looks like the buckle but the boy is turned so it is not easy to be certain. I am uncertain but the shorts appear to be pleated in the front and they appear to have been recently ironed presumably by mother before the boy put them on as the crease looks freshly pressed. I cannot tell whether he is wearing sneakers or shoes. I think shoes which is how I was dressed at that age."


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Created: 1:58 PM 5/1/2017
Last updated:12:45 PM 5/2/2017