Religion in England: Sunday Schools (20th century)

Figure 1.--Here we see a Sunday School groiup in June 1919. They are not out in the country as we can see buildings in the trees. Notice that many of the older boys are wearing their school caps. The location is written on the back, but difficult to read. It looks something like Soadlp Onlng.

The Sunday School Movement was still very strong in the early 20th century and include both multi-denominational efforts abd the efforts by individual chuches and denominations. And unlike the 19yth century there is a wealth of photographic evidence of Sunday school activities, including a range of outdoor activities. Here we see a Sunday School scene in June 1919. Notice all the white clothing. After World War I a new activity became popular. Sunday schools began promoting sports which was a popular deaw for children, expecially the boys. Sunday schools forned teans and competed in Sunday School Leagues. The Multi-denomanational Sunday School buildings served as faculutirs to hosting amateur dramatics and concert groups. Agyer World War II the Multi-denominational Sunday School movement declined as increasing individual churches oromoted their own denominational effort. Overall Church attendanbce, however was falling. This was the case in England as well as much of Europe. This of course has affected Sunday School participation.


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Created: 6:07 AM 6/22/2017
Last updated: 6:07 AM 6/22/2017