English Inter-war Era Boys' Clothes: Hosiery

Figure 1.--This isn't dad doing the washing in 1935, but a Liberal candicate for Parliament. Notice the boy's turn-over-top kneesocks.

Most boys in the inter-war era wore kneesocks. Which were called turn-over-top socks. We note few images of boys wearing long pver the knee stockings. The images we have noted show boys wearing the turn-over-top socks and not the kneesocks which came to the knee without the cuff. Some boys in the summer with ankle socks or tennis shoes or sandals without socks. Few boys went barefoot. The kneesocks were normally grey with a patterned turn over top (figure 1). Plain grey kneesocks were less common. We have seen an image of a bioy wearing red kneesocks, but do not believe that this was very common. Boys wearing school uniforms to private school wore grey kneesocks. After World War II, grey kneesocks with school color bands were common, I'm not sure how common this convention was in the inter-war era. Argyle kneesocks were also not common, but might be worn with kilts. Argyle kneesocks were also worn with knickers called plus-fours, but this was more common with adults than boys. Younger boys from affluent families might wear white socks with sandals or strap shoes.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: January 3, 2003
Last updated: January 3, 2003