English Boys' Clothes Chronology: The 1990s

Figure 1.--This pjotograph is a tribute to midwife Brenda Jones in 1994. She worked in Norfolk. Here she is with the children of Howe who she helped deliver. We see many of the popular styles of the 1990s as well as one boy in his private school uniform. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the group.

We see a contunuing trend toward casual clothing in the 1990s. English styles were becoming virtully indistinguiable from pan-Eurpean styles excpt for school wear. T-shirts Shorts were populr summerwear and began increasingly long. Jeans also were commonly worn. We continue to see jogging pants, but they were much less populr by the end of the decade. Boys in the 1990s no longer liked them saying they looked awful and were uncomfortable. Boys in the wore combat trousers, but the popularity had declined by the end of the decade. We see all kinds of stylisly jackets for fall and weater. We see sweaters, but sweatshirts continued to increase in popularity. Ski-type jackets were popular duung the winter. Girls also wore ski-type jackets, but often in brighter colors. Boys mostly wore ankel socks, but girls might wear knee soicks or tights during the winter. e see various colors including whiute. We see more and more sneakers. Boys school uniform became increasingly informal in the 1990s, except for the shidt to long trousers. Almost all boys wore long pants to school. Even in elementary schools long pants were commonly worn. A few elementary schools continued to require shorts, mostly Church of England schools and private schools. Q few private prepo schools coninueed to havr traditinal uniforms. With few exceptions, only the younger boys were required to wear shorts. Some schools used shorts as a summer uniform. Boys in the summer by the 1990s commonly wore sports kit, often with football team logos. Sweat pants were very commonly worn. Cubs maintained the same uniforms during the 1970s and 80s, but by the 1990s fewer Cubs wore the traditional peaked cap or grey shorts. The Scouts wore the same long pamts uniform introduced in 1969. Many Scout groups became less strict about the uniform by the 1990s. Most Scouts would wear the green scout shirt but many did not like the fawn scout trousers.


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Created: 8:03 AM 9/30/2018
Last updated: 8:03 AM 9/30/2018