*** English boys clothes -- families 1920s

English Boys' Clothes: Family Trends--The 1920s

English family 1920s
Figure 1.--Here we have an unidentified English family portrait which looks to us was taken in the 1920s. We are unsure just what the family grouping is. We think it is probably a father and mother and mostly adult children, perhaps with the wife of one of the adult children. It is difficult to be sure. There is one younger boy who looks to be about 13-14 years old. Click on the image to see the postcard back without stamp boxs.

Here we have an unidentified English family portrait which looks to us was taken in the 1920s. We are unsure just what the family grouping is. We think it is probably a father and mother and mostly adult children, perhaps with the wife of one of the adult children. It is difficult to be sure. There is one younger boy who looks to be about 13-14 years old. He is wearing a short pants suit, grey school shirt, and banded knee socks indicating school socks. The portrait seems to mark some event, perhaps an anniversary. Notice they are wearing boutonnieres of some sort. (Two of thewomen arev nit, probably because they took off their coats.) This is a postcard back portrait without a stamp box. A British reader writes, "I think it is a family celebrating a national event. It looks to be spring. I think it might be a Welsh or Irish family. I think the photograph was taken in the family's back garden (yard). I Wonder if the flowers are snow drops. Working on the flowers wonder if its flowering Shamrock white shamrock has little flowers. It imay be some symbol that they are wearing."


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Created: 1:43 AM 12/9/2023
Last updated: 3:54 PM 12/9/2023