* English boys clothes -- families 1950s Roberts

English Boys' Clothes: Family Trends--The Roberts (1950s)

Figure 1.--Here we see the Roberts family in the 1950s. They look to a a family of modest, but comfortable means. There are three children. I think the names are Alan, Wendy, and Ken. The family image here appears to have been talen in the mid-1950s.

Here we see the Roberts family in the 1950s. They look to a a family of modest, but comfortable means. There are three children. I think the names are Alan, Wendy, and Ken. They look to be about 6-15 yeard old. The family image here appears to have been talen in the mid-1950s. All we know about them is that the family seems to have liked seaside vacations. This was before the cheap flights to Spain. Dad wear a tie even after work at home. The boys wear sweaters with shirt and long pants. The firl wears a blouse and skirt. Notice all the sweaters. The two boys are wearing crewnecks which means they are probably not schcool sweaters. Many British families still did not have central heating in the 1950s.


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Created: 5:32 AM 10/13/2005
Last updated: 12:21 AM 12/9/2020