English Boys' Headwear: Sailor Hats--Accompanying Clothes

Figure 1.--Here we see an Oxford boy, probably with his ittle sister. He wears a broad-brimmed sailor hat with a lace collar and velvet Fauntleroy suit. Notice the fabric edgeing on the straw hat. The photgrapher was Hills & Saunders, a prestigious studio.

Sailor hats, especially the wide-brimmed sailor suit, is most associated of course with sailor suits. And we note these hats being worn with sailor suits. They were in fact worn with many other outfits. We note them being worn with kilt suits, but not Highland kilt outfits. They were a popular choice for Little Lord Fauntleroy suits. We also see them being worn with many other types of suits. As the wide-brimmed sailor hat was a dressy style, they were usually warn with suits. An exception here was blouses. Boys diring the summer might wear them with a fancy blouse without a jacket on the hot weather. And we note them bdeing worn with beachwear. The sailor suit and sailor styles were popular at beach resorts in the 19th and early-20th century.


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Created: 10:02 PM 7/2/2008
Last updated: 10:02 PM 7/2/2008