English Boys' Headwear: Pillbox Caps

Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows an unidentified boy wearing a single breasted knee pants suit. Note the pillbox cap. It hs some decorations on it, to stars of David, flaning a center embkem whicg we can not make out. We are not sure what this represents, but it is not necrily Jewish. We are not sure how to date it, but would guss the 1870s. The studio was the Bullock Brothers in Lymington..

Pill box caps were a military style that appeared in the mid-19th century. We believe that they were worn by sime boys. We do not see many boys wearing them, but our 19th century English archive is limited. W are not entireky sure about the chronology, but believe they were primarily worn wduring the mid- and late-19th century. Some seem to have orgabizational connections. The most obvious here are Boy' Brigade uniforms that appeared in the late-19th century. As far as we know, no schools adopted them as part of the uniform. The only 20th century examples we have found have been with Boys' Brigade uniforms.


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Created: 12:58 AM 7/11/2012
Last updated: 12:59 AM 7/11/2012