* English boy clothes -- suits trousers knee pants chronology decade trends 20th century

English Knee Pants Suits: Chronology -- 20th Century Decade Trends

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified English family, we think in the 1910s. The biy looks to be about 10 years old. He wears a vested knee oants suut with an Etin coillar. We think that mothger wearing a shirtwaust blouse rather than a dress suggests a moidest bincome family.

We continue to see boys wearing knee pants and knicker suits after the turm of of the 20th century in the 1900s. They seem to be essentially inter changeable. We suspect that the choice in many case reflected the uniform regulations at the oarticular private school. Many were of these were vested suits, both knee pants and knickers. At least is what we see in the induvidual portaits we have archived. We suspect that these were boys from families in fairly comfortable circumstances. Knicker suits began to decline in the 1910s. Onn the previous page see a Bury boy wearing a classic Eton collar and knee pants suit, we think in the 1900s (figure 1). Here we see a Blasingstoke boy,m al;so we vthink in the 1900s (figure 1). e see boys wearing both knickers and knee pants in the rraly 20th century. We do not see knee pants extensively after World War I when boys primarily wore short pants suits in the 1920s. Some older boys wore knickers, but short pants were more common. Clothing stores continued using the term knee trousers. Knee pants essentially evolved into short pants during the 1920s. The first short pants were rather long long lengths like knee pants.


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Created: 6:38 AM 8/6/2020
Last updated: 6:38 AM 8/6/2020