* English albumen process cabinet card mounts 1890s location

English Classic Cabinet Card Chronology: The 1890s--Location

English cabinet cards
Figure 1.--This cabinet card portrair was taken in front of the Mosley home rather than in a studio. We see quite a few of these outdoor poeratits in Engkand during the 1890s, more than in other countries. .

Most cabinet card portarits were taken in photographic studios. Thhis mad it easy for the photographr to make the best use of his expensive cameras and other equipment. And the photographer could have sets with orops and decorative backdrops. This is the standard approach in all countries. We note quite a numner of outdoor portraits. This wa not unknown in other countries, but we see far more of these outdoor portaits in England than any oyher country, including America. And almost always they are taken outsdide the customer's home, with the family. What we do noit know is how they came about. Did the custimer fo to the studio and order them. Or did the phoyographes go from foor ro door seeking orders. Perhaos both. We note morebof these hime imnafes in the 1890s than any other decade. We are not sure why.


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Created: 8:57 PM 5/7/2019
Last updated: 8:57 PM 5/7/2019