*** English photography new style cabinet card mounts decade trends the 1920s

English New-style Classic Cabinet Cards: New Mount Styles: Decade Trends --The 1920s

English new style cabinet cards 1920s
Figure 1.-- One area where we continue to see a lot of cabinet cards is school photography. A much of the school photography was idividual class groups, not one could be made out with small images. We continue to see the cards done in mostly muted colors. A good example is a tan colored card with dark ruling of the Holton Road Boys School, a primary in Hartlepool. The mount was 7.5x13.5 in, although the photograph is only a fraction of that size. It shows a Standard 1 class on 1924. We do not yet see individual portraits of the pupils, but mostly these class portraits.

We continue to see some English cabinet cards in the 1920s, but with one exception, not very many. One area where we continue to see a lot of cabinet cards is school photography. A much of the school photography was idividual class groups, not one could be made out with small images. We continue to see the cards done in mostly muted colors. A good example is a tan colored card with dark ruling of the Holton Road Boys School, a primary in Hartlepool. The mount was 7.5x13.5 in, although the photograph is only a fraction of that size. It shows a Standard 1 class on 1924. We do not yet see individual portraits of the pupils, but mostly these class portraits.


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Created: 12:36 AM 12/10/2023
Last updated: 12:36 AM 12/10/2023