** unknown European country outdoor play image

Unidentified European Images: Unknown Outdoor Play (1950s)

Figure 1.--Here we see two boys. We were not sure what the one boy was wearing. I could be bib-front shorts, but we now know it was bib front ropmers. We have found a large group of similar snapshots--all with ragged seated edgaes. We fifrst thought the other boy was wearing a T-shirt, but on closer exminatiion it is a play sock. Many of the French images we have found with smocks are school smocks, but younger boiys also wore smocks for play to some extent. These chukldren are clearly French, probably about 4-5 years old.

We found this snapshot of children playing we believe in the 1950s. They look to be playing in a park or some undeveloped area away from home, perhaps part of a birthday party. This is unclear. But the age of the children and the fact that they were photograph means that they were playing under adult supervision. It is undated, but we would guess was taken in the 1950s. We were unsure where it was taken. We assumed at first it was an American snapshot, but were unsure when we noted that some of the boys might be wearing rompers. This would have suggested France.. The photograph was rather unclear because of the way it was taken. We were unsure about the rompers. We subsequently found several other snapshots with the some of the boys clearly wearing not only rompers, but also smocks meaning that it was obviously not American. And the dealer was French. So we are clearly talking about French children here. This comes from a groupm of snapshots we found of Frenbch children playing in an unidentified park, both in organized and unorganized activities.


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Crerated: 1:56 PM 2/24/2021
Last updated: 1:56 PM 2/24/2021