French Families: Marseille Family (1880s)

Figure 1.--All we know about the family on this cabinet card is that they lived in Marsille. We only get to see the children. There are seven of them, two boys and five girls. They are about 3-16 years of age. Unfortunately we do not get to see the parents. The children are all smartly dressed. The boys wear matching sailor suits with wide white collars and anchor dickies. Their suits are done with knee pants and like the girls have long stockings. The girls wear differently styled dresses. The portrait is not dated. We estimate the date to the 1880s, but bare not entirely sure about that. The mount style could well be from the 1870s. The bustle the girl at the right wears causes us to date the portrait to the 1880s. (Bustles were also worn in the 1870s, but other aspects if the clothing such as the boys' sailor suits, are less consistent with the 1870s.) The boys have short hair. The girls have long hair done in different ways. The studio was Cayol, Fpes in Marseille.

All we know about the family on this cabinet card is that they lived in Marsille. We only get to see the children. There are seven of them, two boys and five girls. They are about 3-16 years of age. Unfortunately we do not get to see the parents. The children are all smartly dressed. The boys wear matching sailor suits with wide white collars and anchor dickies. Their suits are done with knee pants and like the girls have long stockings. The girls wear differently styled dresses. The portrait is not dated. We estimate the date to the 1880s, but bare not entirely sure about that. The mount style could well be from the 1870s. The bustle the girl at the right wears causes us to date the portrait to the 1880s. (Bustles were also worn in the 1870s, but other aspects if the clothing such as the boys' sailor suits, are less consistent with the 1870s.) The boys have short hair. The girls have long hair done in different ways.


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Counter set: 4:44 PM 11/5/2019
Last updated: 4:44 PM 11/5/2019