Family Beaching Outing (1947)

Figure 1.-- The parents apparently celebrated their 20th anniversary at the beach--Villès-Martin. The image is identified enfants Gauffriau-Sabot, that is apparentlt the name of the child, but the way it is written it suggests two children. We had assumed the boy was one of the four children from our family. He seems to be wearing a wool sailor suit, even though he is on the beach. The couple on the right we are not sure about, but we are guessing are one of the daughters and perhaps her boy friend.

The parents apparently celebrated their 20th anniversary at the beach--Villès-Martin. The image is identified enfants Gauffriau-Sabot, that is apparentlt the name of the child, but the way it is written it suggests two children. We had assumed the boy was one of the four children from our family. He seems to be wearing a wool sailor suit, even though he is on the beach. The couple on the right we are not sure about, but we are guessing are one of the daughters and perhaps her boy friend.


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Counter set: 3:14 AM 11/29/2006
Last updated: 3:14 AM 11/29/2006