Henry's First Communion (1955)

Figure 1.-- The photograph here seems to be Henry doing his First Communion (1955). Henry wears an Eton-styled suit. This was one of the various styles worn by French boys for First Communion. His older brother wears a suit with wide lapels. He was probanly about 15 years old. The younger boys, presumably his brothers, wear matching sailor suits.

Here we see mother with the boys. The photograph here seems to be Henry doing his First Communion (1955). Henry seems to be the baby in the 1943 photograph. He wears an Eton-styled suit. This was one of the various styles worn by French boys for First Communion. Many French First Communion outfits were short pants suits including sailor uits. These Eton suits were usually long pants suits, but not alwas. His older brother wears a suit with wide lapels. He was probanly about 15 years old. The younger boys, presumably his brothers, wear matching sailor suits. They look to be about 5 and 8 years old. I'm not sure about the color. Henry would have been about 11 years old. This is older than boys in America do First Communion. I think French children now also do their First Communion earlier. The boyss' hair styles are a little different than we have seen in other French photographs.


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Counter set: 7:34 PM 11/27/2006
Last updated: 7:35 PM 11/27/2006