French Boys Clothes: Gloves and Mittens

Figure 1.--Note that in this page showing children's party clothes, only the boy wears whir gloves.

We do not know a great deal about gloves yet. In France and in other countries gloves and mittens were commonly worn for cold weather. We note that children, especially boys, for special occassion might wear also short white gloves. We believe this was quite common for formal occasions like First Communion in the early 20th century. Younger boys still wore them in the 1950s. The available fashion magazines show that this was much more common for boys than girls. HBC finds this interesting as these white gloves in the 1950s were more common for little girls than boys. We have also notice French Boy Scouts wear white gloves for formal occasions.


Mittens are knitted glove-like garments with out indibidual finger sheats, except for the thumb. They are usually knitted and used as inexpensive winter wear for children. We do not know how common mittens were in France.


We do not know a great deal about gloves yet. In France and in other countries gloves and mittens were commonly worn for cold weather, although here social class factors were involved. Gloves in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were an important part of proper dress, at least for those whom could afford them. Children from affluent families coimmonly wore gloves when leaving the home, especially during the winter or for formal events and Church. We note that children, especially boys, for special occassion might wear short white gloves. We believe this was quite common for formal occasions like First Communion in the early 20th century. Some children even wore white gloves for more informal activities like visiting the park. We note one 1901 image of French children in the park. Younger boys still wore them in the 1950s. The available fashion magazines show that this was much more common for boys than girls. HBC finds this interesting as these white gloves in the 1950s were more common for little girls than boys. We have also notice French Boy Scouts wear white gloves for formal occasions. Boys often wore gloves for First Communion. In France boys mostly wore white gloves for special occassions. (In Belgium we note boys wearing both white and dark gloves.) French boys wore white gloves as a symbol of purity. One can still sometimes see it to day, for instance by the pages in a wedding. For some reason as regarding First Communion there appear to be differences between France and Belgium. A French reader reports that there was a strict etiquette concerning gloves. They would be worn outside, but upon entering some one's home they should be taken off and carried in the hands. In Church the etiquette was different. They could be worn, for example, in prayer. These rules can sometimes be seen in First Communion portraits. Normaly on the portraits, when the boys are standing, they must have their gloves in the hand; and if he's kneeling at prayer he puts on his gloves. Parents varied in their concern with gloves. Some were very strict about it and others were not partcularly bohered. One Fremch reader reports that in the 1950s, "I believe that my parents were not particularly concerned about gloves. We rarely worn white gloves, except for special ceremonies and to the church, except my sister who wore them quite often." We also note that at the end of the schoolastic year, children commonly were awarded prizes . A reader reports, "It was rather a custum in Nice and some other locations to wear white gloves this day. I don't think that it was generally the rule in Paris." French catalogs geneally show only white gloves ascappropriate for children throughout the 20th century.


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Created: October 20, 2001
Last updated: July 23, 2003