German Clothing for Dance

Figure 1.--Here we see some German children in the 1920s setting up for a festival dress. We would guess it was some kind of May Day celebration. The girls wear hair garlands and white dresses. The boys mostly wear sailor suits.

We have little information on dance in Germany. We know nothing about social dance at this time. We see some dancing at what looks like festivals. We think children were involved in May Day dancing as in America and Britain. This wouldn't be folk dancing as the children dress up in their best outfits rather than folk costumes. We know more about folk dancing. The only dance that we are aware of at this time is the ethnic Bavarian Schuhplattler dances performed as Octoberfests and ethnic festivals. We know that there was a revival in all aspects of folk culture, including songs and dance, in Germany during the late 19th and eraly 20th century. The Wandervogel in particular was noted for this. The Hitler Youth in the 1930s adopted many features of Wandervogel, but an interest in folk dance was not one of them.


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Created: 7:03 AM 3/25/2008
Last updated: 7:03 AM 3/25/2008