German Children: Coordinated Outfits--Other Outfits

German Easter outfits
Figure 1.-- Here we see an unidentified brother and sister wearing coordinated suits in the 1930s. It looks like they may be dressed up for Easter.

German children wore a variety of garments when their outfits were coordinated. Sailor suits were the most common, but there were many other outfits as well. Here the gender of the children was a major factor. Younger children in particular wore a range of identical or coordinated outfits. We notice both suits as well as play suits. Almost always the children wore similar or identical tops with skirts for the girl and short pants for the boy. This convention permitted a wider age span and the use of a variety bof garments and styles. There were more limited outfit choices for older children. We do not know muh about the 19th century yet, but we see ecamples from the 20h century, mostly the early 20th century before World War II.


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Created: 9:49 PM 6/25/2006
Last updated: 1:32 AM 6/14/2009