German Boys' Clothes: Cold War Era (1970s)

Figure 1.--This photograph is unidentified. We believe it is a German image taken in thre late 1960s and early 70s. By the 1970s shorts had become increasingly rare anong older teenagers, but younger boys still commonly wore them--although more on a seasonable basis. Shorts were increasing;y being worn for casual wear.

By the 1970s shorts had become increasingly rare anong older teenagers, but younger boys still commonly wore them--although more on a seasonable basis. Shorts were increasing;y being worn for casual wear. Casual shorts for play were made in various material. Denim became very popular. Boys wore quite short shorts in the 1970s. Little boys still wearing shorts during the winter might be dressed in long over the knee stockings or in beginning in the 1950s, tights. Some boys would wear them for warmth under long pants. Most German boys like other boys in Western Europe wanted jeans. The change was a slower in Communist Eastern Germany (DDR). But East Germany received West German (BRD) television and fashion easily breeched the Iron Curtain. By the time that the Berlin Wall fell, German boys were dressing in the indestinguishable pan-European styles. The West German boys were a bit more stylish as their parents had more money, but the same styles were commonly worn on both sides of the Wall. Lederhosen became popular for younger boys. Sneakers became increasingly popular, but open-toed sandals were widely worn. German boys commonly wore their sandals with socks--often dark or paterned ankle socks.


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Created: May 7, 2004
Last updated: May 7, 2004