German Boys' Clothes: Early 20th Century--Garments

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of German boys anf girls wearing popular outfits in the 1910s. This pohitigraph was taken just befoire the Workd war I (June 1914). It appears to be a neighborhood group rather than a school group. The boys wear jackets and blouses, Notice the square cut collars. The girls wear dresses. One boy wears a smrt sailor suit. We see both socks and long stockings, but mosdtly high-top shoes.

Few destinctive German boys clothing styles appeared after the turn of the century. Girls and younger boys wore dresses, but the conventions of dressing little boys in dresses was going out of styles. The only skirted garment of any importance was tunic suits. We do not notice kilts. Styles appeared to have followed trends in the rest of Western Europe. The one destinctive style was tracht, garments like lederhosen leather pants. We see both blouses and shirts. We notice knee pants and knickers as well as long pants for the older boys. Knne pants were evolving into short pants. The lederhosen were most done as short pants. We see various kinds of suits. Collar buttoning suit jackets were popular for youngrer boys. We see a few Fauntleroy suits, but sailor suits were much more common. Dark long stockings were very common in the early 20th century, especially during the winter. They were worn with both knee pants and knickers. Three-quarter socks were more comon during the summer. We note most boys boys wearing boot-like high top shoes. We also see strap shoes. Only a few boys wore sandals.

Skirted Garments

Little German boys, like boys in the rest of Europe, still might wore dresses at the turn of the century. This fashion was, however, declining in in popularity. I think it was not as popular in Germany as in many European countries like England, France and Italy, but we have no solid information to substantiate this with yet. I do not believe that kilts were commonly worn in Germany. Mothers being mothers, however, it is likely that some boys occasionaly wore kilts, although this probably declined after the turn of the century. The tunic or blouse suit was popular in Germany as it was in many other European countries and America. The most popular styles were the Russian and sailor styles. The Buster Brown style worn in America was not common in Germany.

Shirts and Blouses


Most German boys wore knee pants in the early-20th century, but short pants graduallu increased in popularity. Older boys might wear knickers. The only destinctive German style we know of is tracht, garments like lederhosen, but we are not sure just when they became a popular boys fashionWe see them in the 19th century, but I think they really became popular primarily after World War I (1914-18). We notice, however, quite a few boys wearing lederhosen or lederhosen-styled pants for a folk or ethnic costume look in the early 1900s. Weseem to have noted an increasing number of lederhosen in German photographs beginning in the 1920s, although the origin is much earlier.


Collar-buttoning suit jackets were very common in the early-20th century. The sailor suit was one of the most popular garments. Nowhere was it more popular than in Germany. Virtually every German boy had a sailor suit. Many boys had a number of them. Sailor suits remained very popular for German boys of all ages. Slowly knee length pants and long stockings were replaced by shorts, albeit long ones. Little Lord Fautleroy suits were worn, but I'm not sure how widely.


Dark long stockings were very common in the early 20th century, especially duing the winter. They were worn with both knee pants and knickers. Three-quarter socks weremore comon during the summer.


We note most bous boys wering boot-like hightop hoes. Only a few boys wear sandals.


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Created: 5:54 AM 4/26/2018
Last updated: 5:54 AM 4/26/2018