East Germany: Fashion Influence

Figure 4.--Even in East Germany, by the 1980s, short pants, while commonly worn, were mostly casual wear.

We believe that West Germany and America were the primary fashion influences in East Germany. This was much more the case than any other Eastern European Communist country. The reason for this was television. The East German (DDR) Government could keep out publications as they had to be shipped accross the border. Even travelers would be searched and books and magazines looked over. As a result, relatively small numbers of publications got through. What did penetrate was radio and television broadcasts. As regards fashion, television was very important. East Germans could watch West German TV. It was not permitted, but Government prohibitions were widely ignored. (The penalties were not as draconian as those enforced by the NAZIs during World War II.) Listening to Western TV had to be done in secret (although most who had the possibility did it except those strongly related with the DDR regime). Almost all East Germans could watch West German and West Berlin TV. Reception was goof except for a few areas located behind mountains or other high elevations. I am not sure why the DDR didn't jam the broadcasts, perhaps there were just too many commercial broadcasts. The DDR apparently didn't use the NAZI approach of restrcting radios (Volksempfänger) to certain frequencies approved by the regime. Many authors believe that the affluence depicted on television ad all the commercials were much more effective in undercutting the DDR than Western propaganda with political messages. It was not just commercials, there were not only German television programs, but a lot of American television and films showing not only fashion but affluent lifestyles. The reason that this was so effective was that it was all in German and the reception was relatively good because of the distances were relaively short and in German. There were propaganda to other Communist countries. East Germans were, however relentlessly bombarded by enumerable commercials from the strongest economy in Europe. It is interesting to think that as muxh as Americans hate commnercials, the television commercial was a major weapon in the Cold War. (The only other example of this was Estonia where people could receive and understand Finish television. It is no accident that Estonia was the first country to suceed from the Soviet Uniomn.) Rusia was also a fashion inflience, primarily through school and Young Pioneer uniforms.


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Created: March 10, 1999
Last updated: March 10, 1999