German Family ( early 1930s)

Figure 1.-- Here we seee a family with tennis equipmet in their back yard. No provinance comes with the photograph, but we elieve it is a German family in the early 1930s. Terecare three children, two boys and their sister. One boys wears a short pants sailor suit, apparently with shoes but no socks. The girl wears a blouse and skirt.

Here we seee a family with tennis equipmet in their back yard. No provinance comes with the photograph, but we elieve it is a German family in the early 1930s. There are three children, two boys and their sister. One of the women is presumably the mother. I'm not sure about the otherwoman. One of the boys One boys wears a short pants sailor suit, apparently with shoes but no socks. We can't make out very well what the other boy is wearing. The girl wears a blouse and skirt.


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Created: 3:10 AM 9/26/2004
Last updated: 3:10 AM 9/26/2004