Affluent German Family (1930s)

Figure 1.-- Here we see three generation in a German family in a photograph presumably taken by the father. Grandmother, mother, sand two children are photographed by the family car. The women are holding onto the girl, but the boy stands apart from the group. It is quite a car, a sporty convertable. The family is standing in the driveway with their home in background.

Here we see three generation in a German family in a photograph presumably taken by the father. Grandmother, mother, sand two children are photographed by the family car. The women are holding onto the girl, but the boy stands apart from the group. It is quite a car, a sporty convertable. The family is standing in the driveway with their home in background. The car tells us that the family was affluent. Most German families at the time did not have cars. The children look about 11 and 14 years old. The girl wears a white dress. The boy wears a shirt with a Schiller collar, a light-colored double-breasted jacket, dark short pants, light-colored knee socks, and low-cut shoes.


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Created: 7:12 PM 3/19/2006
Last updated: 7:12 PM 3/19/2006