This portrait shows what looks like a prosperous, middle-class city family-- the parents and their teenage son. Unfortunately the portrair is not dated. We would say that it was taken in the early or mid-1930s, although the late-1920s is possible. A German reader agrees with thatvtime range and tends toward the early 30s. The interesting aspect of this portrait to us is that how similar the parents are dressed to American adults. This portrait could have easily been taken in the United States--except for the sailor suit the boy is wearing. American boys did wear sailor suits, but only younger boys in elementary (primary) school. Americn teenage boys did not wear sailor suits, although we see girls of all ages wearing sailor outfits.
A reader writes, "The sailor suit appears to have some medals on it. Does that mean the boy was in the Navy? Or is it common for teens to wear such decorations. Maybe it is an uniform of some teen group. I don't know. What do you think?" I thought those were decorations also when I first looked at the portrait. After studying the image, however, I think wht looks like decorations is in fct the white cotd German boys used to tie their sailor scarves. If the boy was in the Navy, he is too young to have earned decorations. But looking at this portrait, I think his parents are more likely to have insisted that he go to secondary school than join the Navy. Itvis possible that he was in the Marine Division of the Hitler Youth. I don't know if there were and badges that Navy personel or HJ boys wores that would allow us to differentiate a uniform from a boy's saior suit. My assessment is, however, that the outfit here is simply a boy's sailor suit.
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