Here we see an extended family portrait of the Hildebrandt family in the 1930s. They are celebrating the Konfirmation of Friedel Hildebrandt. We believe Friedel is the girl in the center of the photograph.
Friedel is an interesting name. A German reader living in America tells us, "Friedel could be both a boy's or a girl's name, like Leslie in English." Anothger German reader writes, ""Friedel" is a female name in Germany." HBC suspects that these names that once were used for both boys and girls over time become primarily girl names. Boys generally don't like names that sound girlish. Our German reader also tells us, "Regarding the name Friedel, whether it is a boy's or a girl's name I would like to mention that the name often is used as a nickname, if it is a boy his name really is Friedrich, if it is a girl her real name is Friederike."
Friedel seems to have flowers in her lap. The two boys in the front wear short pants suits with long stockings. They may represent formality as it does not seem cold, but Konfirmations are always around Easter (March-April) so it was probably still chilly when the portrait was taken. Notice the older boy wears long underwear under the brown long stockings. We get a good idea of the clothing worn by the different age groups. Friedel seems to have several older brothers,
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