Unidentified German Family: Winter Scene (1931)

Figure 1.--Here we see what looks like a staunchly proper German middle-class family dressed up in the winter. All we know about the photograph is that it was dated 1931. We would guess that the family is going to church on sunday, howevder, we are a little confused by the sled. The parents looked dressed for church rather than a winter outing as do the children. The boys wears his school cap, an overcoat, short pants, and black long stockings. The overcoat and especially black long stockings are not what might be excpected for a normal ski outing, but precisely what would be expected for formal church wear.

Here we see what looks like a staunchly proper German middle-class family dressed up in the winter. All we know about the photograph is that it was dated 1931. We would guess that the family is going to church on sunday, howevder, we are a little confused by the sled. The parents looked dressed for church rather than a winter outing as do the children. The boys wears his school cap, an overcoat, short pants, and black long stockings. The overcoat and especially black long stockings are not what might be excpected for a normal ski outing, but precisely what would be expected for formal church wear. But that leaves the question of taking the sled to church. Perhaps the children were allowed to do thit as a treat. Perhaps they took turns pulling each other. Notice how high the sled is. My sled about 1950 was not nearly as high off the ground. Seeing images like this and how experienced with cold winter weather the Germans were, one can only wonder how it is possible that the Wehrmacht would have found itself deep in Russia during the dead of winter fighting the Red Army in light summer uniforms. Given the age of the boy here, he was likely one of those soldiers.


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Created: 7:14 AM 10/16/2011
Last updated: 7:14 AM 10/16/2011