Dr. Leo Pins was a respected Jewish veternarian who practiced in Hoexter. This is an area in central Germany. Hoexter is located on the east bank of the river Weser. Today it is part of eastern North Rhine-Westphalia. It is about 50 km north of Kassel.
Here we see Frau Pins with their two sons Jacob (12 years old) and Rudolph (9 years old) in 1930. The two boys are shown in the photo wearing the popular sailor suits with short trousers and black long stockings. Jacob and we assume Rudolf attended a Catholic school in Hoexter. Hoexter was too small for a Jewish school, but did have a synagogue. Jacob does not recall any problems until the NAZIs seized power (1933). As part of the campaign against Jews, a major effort was to make it impossible for Jews to make a living.
Dr. Pins managed to get their two sons to safety. In the early years the NAZI encouraged emigration. Rudolph was sent to the United States (1934). Jacob emigrate to Palestine (1936).
After the outbreak of World War II, the NAZIs gradually deported German Jews east where only a few survived. Many went through Theresienstadt.
The Hoexter Jewish Community was eliminated with the deportations of 1941-42. Dr. Pins and his wife were eventually sent to the Riga Ghetto which had been largely emptied days before by shooting the Latvian Jews in a nearby forrest. One source suggests Dr. Pins and his wife perished there in 1944. As the Ghetto was reduced in 1943, they probably died in that year. Jacob once in Palestine disregarded his father's advice, studied the art of woodcuts, becoming a world-famous artist in this medium and also assembling an important collection of Japanese woodcuts, actually founding a museum to house and display them. He donated his collection to his native town of Hoexter. Rudolf ended up in Cleveland at Western Reserve University.
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