German Family Gathering (Mid-1930s)

Figure 1.-- We note a photograph of a large German family gathering. We are not sure what the occassion was, but we can guess that it was the anniversary of the family patriarch. There is one extra elderly lady, perhaps an aunt the family is caring for. It looks like the family including several sons and daugters have come hime to honor their eldely parents bringing along the grandkids. The home looks to be in a village and reflects the rural or small town origins of the increasingly urbanized German population.

We note a photograph of a large German family gathering. We are not sure what the occassion was, but we can guess that it was the anniversary of the family patriarch. There is one extra elderly lady, perhaps an aunt the family is caring for. It looks like the family including several sons and daugters have come hime to honor their eldely parents bringing along the grandkids. It is a scene right out of a Heimt movie. The home looks to be in a village and reflects the rural or small town origins of the increasingly urbanized German population. The family based on the hoime looks to be a middle-class family living in comfortable circumstances. The youngr children are all in the front. The boys mostly wear sweaters rather than suits. They all wear short pants and mostly knee socks. One boys looks to be wearing a new pair of Lederhosen, suggesting this may be in Bavaria. One somewhat older boy seems to be wearing a long pants suit. One girl wears a long dress, reflecing the importance of the event. The photograph is undatd, but we would gues it was taken in the mid-1930s, surely before the War.


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Created: 8:41 PM 5/22/2014
Last updated: 8:41 PM 5/22/2014